Today marks the day I finally completed Scrimba's free Javascript course... was it worth it? As a beginner, I thought that it was a very insightful course! As a casual learner, I occasionally practised programming 1-4 hours a day. The course is 8 hours and 7 minutes long, but since I was pretty new to coding Javascript, I believe it took me twice as long.
In the course, I was able to produce about 6 mini projects such as a people counter tracker, basketball point counter, a simple blackjack game, a "random" password generator, a Google Chrome Leads tracker extension, and finally a unit converter.
Throughout the course, I was able to learn and expand on concepts such as:
- Script tag
- Variables
- Numbers
- Strings
- console.log()
- functions
- The DOM
- getElementById()
- innerText
- textContent
- Arrays
- Objects
- Booleans
- If else statements
- Comparison operators
- Logical operators
- For loops
- The Math object
- Return Statements
- Const vs. Let
- addEventListener vs. onclick=""
- innerHTML
- input.value
- Function parameters and arguments
- Template strings
- localStorage
- The JSON object
- Object in arrays
Although I am barely scratching the surface in terms of Front End Development, Scrimba has definitely encouraged me to learn and enjoy programming every day (unlike some of the tutorials/courses I've tried so far). As my next step, I think I will try out Scrimba's free React course along with further expanding my knowledge in Javascript by trying out more mini-personal projects on the side!